Pet rats are VERY affectionate.
They love to be cuddled and petted. This is especially true for male rats, since the females are often more independent. Both sexes will contentedly sit on your shoulder while you walk around. Most of them like to give kisses, too!
Pet rats also…
• Easily adapt to human sleeping schedules. Hamsters, however, are nocturnal and will never adapt to their human’s sleeping times. Consequently, if you get a hamster for yourself or for your child, count on listening to the wheel spinning around all night long.
• Rarely bite. On the other hand, (literally!) hamsters often bite humans. The only time a pet rat will bite is: 1) If you have the smell of food on your fingers or 2) If the rat has not been socialized or has been abused, it will bite out of fear and self-protection.
• Are very clean. They groom themselves just like cats!
• Can be trained. Pet rats are very intelligent. They can be taught to use a litter box. Pet rats come when you call their name and easily learn tricks.
• Play just like cats! They love to chase strings or your hand around a room.
• Teach you about nutrition. I’d never eaten bok choy or kale until learning they’re good food for rats. Now I know these are highly nutritious foods for humans, too.
• Are ideal pets for apartment dwellers. I got my first pet rat when I moved into a condo where we weren’t allowed to have dogs or cats. No one said anything about pet rats, though!While the above are all great reasons to adopt a rat, be sure to educate yourself on the proper nutrition, housing and be ready for medical problems should they arise. Many people are unaware that veterinary bills for rats can be comparable to those for dogs and cats.
Read the section on choosing your rats. Rats live more comfortably with at least one other buddy. When deciding on males or females, keep in mind the males may be more cuddly, but they tend to live shorter lives than the females. However, females tend to get mammary tumors, so both have their pros and cons.
I just started a work from home job, and I keep getting lonely since there’s no one else around and my cat passed on a few months ago (old age, she was 17). So now I’m doing some research since I saw that male rats can be cuddly and love to hang out with you and grow to the size of a kitten (perfect size imo). Can you recommend the best places to look to find more info on daily life with rats, and do you think they would be happy to stay with me while I work? I can’t get any right now, but when I’m in a place of my own I think something small and cuddly (or 2, or 3) would be nice. Some little guys to hang out with.
Hi Honor,
Rats make excellent work-from-home companions. That’s exciting that you’re thinking about getting some once you have your own place.
I work from home several days a week, and my rats are usually active in the morning and evening but sleep most of the afternoon—similar to cats. Just something to keep in mind as you consider bringing them into your life.
If you’re looking for more info on daily care, my website is a great resource. I created it specifically to help new rat owners with everything from diet and housing to health and behavior. Feel free to explore—it’s the guide I wish I had when I got my first rats in 1990.
Let me know if you have any further questions. I’d love to help.
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
Hi, Jasmine!
I’m so glad for this site. I have had anxiety problems since I was 10, and although I still live with my parents, I’ve always wanted my own companion animal. I’ve been hoping to get a rat for a while now, and now it looks like my new job will help me support one! I definitely will be reading all this site has to offer when I adopt.
P.S. I hope to name my rat Humbert. I just love that name for a rat.
Thank you again, and have a blessed day!
Hi Anahera,
Thank you SO MUCH for your positive feedback. It really means a lot to me.
I’d recommend getting at least 2 pet rats. Not only is it good for them, but it’s good for you, too: You won’t feel guilty if you have a day when you have very little time to spend with your rats since they can play with one another. Plus it’s super fun to see them interact.
You’re going to love having pet rats! They are absolutely wonderful companion animals. I’m impressed you’re doing your research ahead of time—-great job!
Take Care,
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
Hi Jasmine,
Love the About Pet Rats site you put up! I wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for a Liebster Award. Please visit my post to learn more. I look forward to hearing from you :) Sheila
Hi Sheila,
Thank you so much for nominating About Pet Rats for a Liebster Award! I am so honored, especially since I have always admired your site, Brain Power Boy. I love how imaginative and diverse your posts are. It seems like every time I look at your site or at your Google+ page, I’m inspired to try something or learn something new.
I’m looking forward to answering your Liebster Award questions.
Thanks Again!