It’s a good idea to give pet rats filtered water since chlorine is not healthy for them. Brita filters work well for eliminating chlorine.
I use glass water bottles inside my rats’ cage. You can tell your rat is getting water from their water bottle if, while they’re licking it, you see bubbles floating upward inside the bottle. Change their water daily and clean the bottles out well—at least once a week—with a bottle brush.
When my rats are out of their cage, I usually place a small glass bowl of water that’s not easy to knock over in the area in which they’re playing. It’s not a good idea to place a bowl or dish of water in your rats’ cage since they can easily drop food (or worse!) into the water and contaminate it. That said, if you’re able to place a water bowl on top of one of their boxes, this can work out well.
What if u only have tap water for ur rat would it hurt him
Hi Kenny,
Thanks for asking your question about water for your rats.
As my page on water states, “At the very least, it’s a good idea to give pet rats filtered water since chlorine and fluorine are both toxic for rats. If you choose not to give your rats distilled water, Britta filters work well for eliminating chlorine and fluorine.”
So, while distilled water is best, filtered water will be okay for your rat as well. By the way, distilled water is very inexpensive. I live in the Pacific Northwest and distilled water here is about $1 per gallon.
Hope my response is helpful. Feel free to ask any other questions or let me know if you need any clarification.
Take Care,
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
Can I use the stuff that goes in fish tanks to dechlorinate the water that I put in my rats water bottle?
Hi Katelyn,
Personally, I would not advise using a product made for fish tank water. A good general rule is that rats need to have the same standards and level of quality as is needed by humans. Since we don’t use tablets (or any other product placed in our water) to make it safer to drink, I don’t think the stuff designed for fish tanks is safe for humans. Therefore I wouldn’t use it for my rats. The best person to answer a question such as this one, though, would be your veterinarian. I myself would not recommend using any additives to your rats’ drinking water.
Hope you find my response helpful. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Best Wishes to You & Your Rats,
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
If you just want to get rid of fluorine and chlorine (volatile ions) you can leave water in an open bowl and it will evaporate out of the water.
Why replace water daily from a container that is closed and out of which water flows one way through a valve?
Hi Dominick,
That’s interesting what you wrote about how to remove chlorine and fluoride from water. After reading your comment I did a little research and learned that chlorine can be removed through evaporation but not fluoride. I also learned that many places are now using chloramine instead of chlorine. Chloramine is just as toxic and does not evaporate out of water.
Here are a few of the articles I read:
Time To Get Fluoride Out Of Your Water
How to Remove Fluoride from Water
The reason why I recommend changing water daily is because it does keep the water fresher and cleaner. The longer water is left in a water bottle, the more chance there is for bacteria and algae to form inside the bottle.
Thanks for initiating this important dialog. I really appreciate your leaving your comment!
That’s how I kiss
LOL. You’re making me wonder to which photo you’re referring…