I kept trying to teach Twyla how to bowl, too, but she got bored after a few tries whereas Henderson wouldn’t stop bowling over and over. Then, when Twyla saw I was making the video as well as how many treats Henderson was getting she renewed her interest in bowling. :)
Hey, I call interference from the other team! A few days ago I heard a segment on NPR where they were talking about the ethics of keeping pets, making sure they are stimulated and well cared for. I’d say you have that well in hand with your crew!
What a nice compliment, Erik! That’s great that NPR promoted the importance of pets being stimulated mentally and well cared for. Henderson is currently practicing the skills he needs to play basketball….never stop learning, right? Thanks for stopping by!
This is so cute! Go Henderson! Is it really wrong that Henderson is a better bowler than I am? LOL It was so cute that Twila put one of the pins in her cheek in the end. :)
Henderson is a better bowler than I am, too! Twyla did crack me up at the end….she showed no interest in learning to bowl until I was making this video. Guess she just likes being on camera. :)
I am very impressed! I am pretty sure no one in our family, furry and not furry, would do well at bowling!
Henderson really is a natural at bowling. Once he learned how, it’s hard to get him to stop!
Great work Henderson! I like how Twyla stole the pin at the end lol.
I kept trying to teach Twyla how to bowl, too, but she got bored after a few tries whereas Henderson wouldn’t stop bowling over and over. Then, when Twyla saw I was making the video as well as how many treats Henderson was getting she renewed her interest in bowling. :)
That’s the best! Love it!
Thanks for stopping by and glad you enjoyed it, Cathy!
Oh. My. Mouses. I never knew!
I wouldn’t have known either…..if it weren’t for Henderson’s interest in bowling. :)
Hey, I call interference from the other team! A few days ago I heard a segment on NPR where they were talking about the ethics of keeping pets, making sure they are stimulated and well cared for. I’d say you have that well in hand with your crew!
What a nice compliment, Erik! That’s great that NPR promoted the importance of pets being stimulated mentally and well cared for. Henderson is currently practicing the skills he needs to play basketball….never stop learning, right? Thanks for stopping by!
This is so cute! Go Henderson! Is it really wrong that Henderson is a better bowler than I am? LOL It was so cute that Twila put one of the pins in her cheek in the end. :)
Henderson is a better bowler than I am, too! Twyla did crack me up at the end….she showed no interest in learning to bowl until I was making this video. Guess she just likes being on camera. :)