It was easy to train Henderson to use a litter box. You can always tell when he has to go:
Learn more about pet rat litter box training and litter boxes:
Litter Box Lessons for You and Your Pet Rat
Litter Box Literacy: The Finer Points of Teaching Pet Rats to Urinate in Litter Boxes
Hi! I have two girls that around 1 1/2 years old. Even though they aren’t babies anymore, can they still be litter trained? Thanks so much! This site it awesome!
Hi There!
Yes your 1 1/2 year old girls can still be litter trained. Rats are so smart and they LOVE to learn new things. All it will take is your being consistent in your training and patient while they learn.
Let me know any time you have questons in the future. I’m always here to help!
Best Wishes to You & Your Rats,
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
Wow – that’s impressive
Rats never cease to amaze me. Thanks for stopping by and for commenting. :)
I didn’t know rats could be litter box trained. That is really cool! I bet that helps keep the mess down a lot. Rats are pawsome! :)
Pawsome indeed, Robin! Thanks so much for your comment and for stopping by.♥
That’s impressive. Question – will Henderson go back to his litter box even if he’s not in his cage? Just curious. Love this blog!
Great question! Henderson (and all of my rats) are trained to use paper towels as their bathrooms no matter whether they’re inside their cage or outside. for instance, if I want to visit with my rats on our sofa, I can place paper towels on either end of our sofa and my rats will know to use these paper towels as their “litter boxes” whenever they need a bathroom. Hope this answers your question and thanks for stopping by!
Good to know they are easy to train.
It’s super easy to litter box train pet rats. They’re amazing—for such a small size they really can learn more than we would initially think they could!