Your Questions | About Pet Rats Answers
QUESTION: I’m planning on getting 2 pet rats soon and I was curious as to what kinda human food is safe for them to eat? Like can they have French fries?? Cookies?? Chips?? Popcorn??

ANSWER: How exciting you’re getting pet rats soon! That’s great you’re researching what kinds of foods are safe for them.
Before I review what human foods pet rats can eat, 80% of an ideal pet rat diet should consist of a high quality commercial rat food such as Oxbow. (For more information, see Commercial Diets.)
The remaining 20% of your pet rats’ diet should include mostly vegetables. Some fruits, whole grains, protein and Green Mush are also healthy choices to include in the 20%.
As for French fries, cookies, chips, popcorn….I, personally, am very protective of what my pet rats eat. I don’t feed them anything that would be considered “junk food” for humans. I also avoid sugar and feed my rats organic as much as possible. Out of the foods you listed, popcorn is okay every once in awhile. I’d still make sure it’s organic, though. The other foods mentioned aren’t healthy. (Well, the French fries would be okay if they were baked….)
There are a few human foods we wouldn’t normally think of as unhealthy that are important to avoid giving to our rats or to feed with caution: Dangerous Foods for Pet Rats

To learn more about what to feed (and not feed) pet rats, visit Pet Rat Nutrition. In addition to Commercial Diets and Dangerous Foods, the following categories are covered:
For healthy snack ideas check out Super Snacks & Healthy Treats for Pet Rats.
You might also ask what rat foods are okay for us humans to eat. This is no joke! I learned about bok choy and kale thanks to my pet rats. Before I researched which foods were especially nutritious for rats, I’d never even eaten bok choy or kale. My own diet is now healthier because I’m eating the human foods that are good for my rats.
I hope my response is helpful for you. Don’t hesitate to ask any additional questions at any time.
Best Wishes,
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
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