He loved learning tricks and playing games. Henderson’s favorite was bowling:
Towards the end of his life, Henderson had begun practicing basketball:

Twyla and Tanya both treated Henderson with great respect and allowed him to be in charge.

One of Henderson’s veterinarians described him as the “Golden Retriever of Rats”. Just about everyone who met him said he was “perfect”. Living with Henderson was like living with a combination angel/teddy bear. He was the most fun, friendly, intelligent and handsomest rat I’ve ever known.

After fighting multiple illnesses for several months, Henderson was euthanized on July 15, 2017. I will always remember him for how extraordinarily special he was. I feel thankful to have shared life together and already miss him like crazy.
Aww Henderson was so beautiful, cute and clever! I love rats with a passion. I’ve got 2 adorable female rats. they are the best pets ever. I hope Henderson is happy in the Rainbow Bridge with his rattie friends xxx
Thank you, Matilda. Henderson was an amazing rat and friend. That’s wonderful you have 2 girls.
Sending Best Wishes to You & Your Rats!
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
I am new to pet rats, and just found your website. Henderson sounds like an amazing friend. I am sorry he is gone.
Hi Wendy,
Thank you so much for commenting about Henderson. I still miss him so much. He had such a huge personality. Since he’s been gone, there’s been a big hole in my heart. I’ll remember him forever and feel fortunate to have gotten to share life with him.
How wonderful you are a new pet rat person! If you ever have any questions, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’m excited for you—In my opinion, there’s nothing better than being around and caring for pet rats.
Best Wishes to You & Your Rats,
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
I lost my rat a few months ago, and stories and pics like yours bring back all the memories. Thank you for sharing the love.
Hi Nicole,
I’m so glad to hear my stories and pics of Henderson help bring back memories of your rat. It means a lot to me to hear from you and to know that this post helps you to remember.
Very best wishes to you and sending heartfelt condolences for your loss.
Jasmine Jasmine | About Pet Rats
Henderson…. I wish I’d known him. He was so very clearly special, it practically emanated from him. One of the most handsome guys I’ve ever seen.
I am deeply sorry for yours, and the world’s, loss <3
Thank you so much for your beautiful thoughts regarding Henderson, Mandarin. It means a lot to receive your words of appreciation, sympathy, compassion and support.
Jasmine | About Pet Rats
D: R.i.p. gorgeous boy.
Thank you for commenting, Nina. It’s always great to hear from you and I really appreciate your compassion and support!
Jasmine | About Pet Rats