A great veterinarian for your rats is key to providing the best medical care possible. Rats are very different from cats and dogs. When choosing a pet rat veterinarian make sure to find a doctor who is knowledgeable about rat health and medicine.
Word of mouth is always best, but if you don’t have any referrals, you can start by choosing a veterinary hospital that is AAHA (American Animal Hospital Association) accredited and that sees “exotic” pets, specifically pet rats.
Only around 19% of veterinary hospitals in our country are AAHA accredited. To become accredited the hospital undergoes a rigorous inspection based on over 900 standards of veterinary care. (When using AAHA’s accredited hospital locator, do not specify that you’re looking for an “Exotic” vet. Some hospitals who actually see rats don’t show up unless you do a general search.) Other ideas for finding a qualified rat vet can be found in Online Directories of Pet Rat Veterinarians.
Take your rats to a vet for a wellness checkup soon after you first adopt them. By soon, I mean within the first two weeks. That way, if you don’t think the veterinarian you’ve chosen seems knowledgeable or caring, you’ll have time to find someone else while your rats are healthy.

When choosing a pet rat veterinarian, trust your instincts. You can tell if the veterinarian is passionate about rats. Listen to how they talk and relate with your rats. Do they handle them gently and respectfully? I had one doctor take my rat’s temperature. Before I even realized what he was doing, he roughly jabbed a regular-sized thermometer into my rat’s anus. Most rat doctors do not take rats’ temperatures. I’m sure there could be occasions when knowing your rat’s temperature may be helpful. However, it’s not something that needs to be routinely checked.
During the exam, your veterinarian should examine your rat thoroughly, from tip of the nose to tip of the tail. A knowledgeable vet will palpate your rat’s abdomen, feeling the internal organs to detect any abnormalities. Your rat’s eyes and ears will be examined using the same instruments that are used for cats and dogs, only a much smaller size. A stethoscope (also smaller sized) will be used to listen to your rat’s lungs and heart. Your vet will look at your rat’s teeth to make sure they’re the proper length and alignment.
During your visit you should be asked detailed questions about what you’re feeding your rat, what kind of housing and bedding you use as well as whether or not you’ve observed any problems. Questions asked of you should include how well your rat’s been eating, drinking, urinating and defecating. They will also ask whether or not you’ve observed any sneezing or any other peculiarities or changes in your rat’s health.
If you have any doubts as to whether or not the vet your rats saw is well qualified, visit another veterinarian. The comparison will be very telling and helpful. After a few visits to different vets (if needed) you will definitely start to see a profile of what you think is most important. Seeing several vets will also help you develop a relationship with a “backup” vet. There will always be times when your main vet isn’t available. When this happens, it’s so much easier when you already have another vet your rats can see.
Choosing a pet rat veterinarian who’s experienced with and knowledgeable about pet rats makes a world of difference. Once you’re an established client, you’ll be able to call them to ask questions when needed. Already being a client also makes it easier to be seen quickly if your rat becomes sick. Your rats’ veterinarian plays an extremely important role. They become a star member of your team.
Of Similar Interest:
Know When Your Pet Rat Needs to See a Veterinarian
Common Pet Rat Health Problems
Online Directories of Pet Rat Veterinarians
Updated 5/8/23
My son and I just moved to a new location, and since he has a rat, we are looking for advice to find a vet near us. You made a great point when you talked about choosing a vet that specializes or knows how to treat this animal. We will definitely follow your advice to ensure his safety.
Hi Megan,
Thank you for your comment. I’m so happy to hear you’re looking for a veterinarian who’s experienced with and knowledgeable about pet rats for your son’s rat. Not everyone is aware of how important this is. By commenting here you’re helping other rats and their people get the best veterinary care possible.
If you have any questions in the future or need help finding a good rat vet near you, don’t hesitate to let me know.
Jasmine | About Pet Rats