Your Questions | About Pet Rats Answers Pet Rat Cage Enrichment Question: Hi, I’ve had rats for awhile and have a relatively large 3 story cage for my two rats, and they have an igloo and a hanging bed, but I feel like I should be doing more for them as far as sleeping stuff […]
Pet Rat Food Puzzle Fun
Why use food puzzles? Rats are so incredibly intelligent and they love using their minds. They have a sense of humor and enjoy adventure. Food puzzles help satisfy their curiosity and their natural inclination to explore and learn. Which food puzzles do you recommend for pet rats? There are so many different puzzles available. They’re […]
Super Snacks & Healthy Treats for Pet Rats
Since rats gain weight easily—AND we want to feed them the healthiest foods possible—it’s important to choose pet rat treats that are: Low-Fat Low-Calorie Sugar Free Low Salt Organic Whole Foods It’s also critical to not feed your rats too many treats. This can’t be emphasized enough. Your rats will always want more. Set limits […]
7 reasons why NOT to leave your pet rats home alone while you travel
Your Questions | About Pet Rats Answers QUESTION: Hi! I’m thinking of going out for a week and I want to know if it’d be safe to rat proof my room and give my rats free run for that long? I’d find a way to provide food and water for them. I just don’t think I […]
What Your Rat Sitter Needs to Know
Whether or not your rat sitter is familiar with pet rats, you’ll want to review the symptoms indicating distress along with your rats’ day-to-day needs such as feeding and cleaning. Here’s a guide of what to cover with your sitter: Emergencies Make sure your sitter knows what is normal and what is not. Discuss this list […]
On the Road with Rats
Ever have trouble finding a pet sitter for your rats? And, even if you do find one, how can you be sure they’re knowledgeable enough? Well, why not take your rats on the road with you and completely avoid the need for a pet sitter? Afterall, pet rat travel is something our ratties enjoy! Whether […]